Solar conversion


A step toward fossil fuel independence

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Solar Water Pumping

In recent weeks I (Grady) have been installing solar panels to pump stock water. These panels will do away with generators and their exhaust forever. The solar panels are “pre-drilled” for mounting so the challenge was to build a structure that would fit the 5/16” holes in the panels. Precision and low error tolerance are not part of my genetic makeup. There is a reason I studied geology where precision is measured in plus or minus millions of years… 

Thus, I was amazed as I put the first couple panels on the array and they fit without modification. As I stood back in admiration a road runner stopped by to echo my amazement. The Roadrunner also mentioned that you should check out our Beef Boxes and our Journal entries on all our partners, including Mr. Roadrunner, BEEP, BEEP.